Why You Owe it to Yourself to Take a Creative Retreat

Take a creative retreat

Are you a busy woman whose self-care is non-existent? Are you always putting other’s needs before yours? Don’t you think you deserve to treat yourself to an amazing creative experience? I think you do!

There are so many benefits to having creativity in your life but what a lot of people don’t realize is that creativity goes beyond the realm of simple happiness and into the physical body. Creativity has countless health benefits many people aren’t even aware of. Creative retreats are amazing experiences offering tons of benefits for your health, happiness, and creativity. You owe those things to yourself and here’s why.


The most obvious benefit of a retreat is relaxation. Even if you have a special place at home to relax, chances are it’s not as great as getting away for a while. Constantly being “on” and available for everyone else leads to burnout and frustration.

Changing surroundings

Simply changing your location can boost your creativity and productivity. Getting away helps remove distractions and excuses. Some time away is good for your overall health and happiness. Being away from your routines, comforts, and amenities, is difficult but will ultimately help you learn to be more grateful for all the little things and amazing opportunities in your life.

Meeting new people

People come from all over the world to attend retreats. It’s an amazing way to meet people you otherwise wouldn't get the chance to meet. Retreats also allow you the time to explore these connections and make lasting friendships and new support systems. It’s amazing what coming together with a group of like-minded people can do.


Retreats bring people together around a specific passion or hobby which often leads to bonding through the camaraderie of kindred spirits. You'll have tons of fun forming lasting memories and growing as a creative.


Retreats usually offer plenty of down time so you can be alone if you choose. Solitude helps you realign your mind, body, and spirit enough to go back into the world energized and rested so you can continue being your best for those you love.

Stress relief

Stress will melt away as you embrace your creativity, follow your body’s intuition and give your soul the rest it deserves. Stress is a huge part of life for most of us now and days and it can have major negative effects on our health. Stress can cause high blood pressure, respiratory infections, heart problems, increased sugar levels and weight gain just to name a few. Creativity, in any form, can significantly lower stress.

Improved Immune System and Reduce Indigestion/Inflammation

Who doesn’t need an improved immune system now-a-day? Studies have shown that creativity can improve your immune system, increases the flow in our digestive organs and lessens the production of harmful chemicals in the body.


Creativity lessens our need for materialistic and unnecessary things in life and teaches us how to see the world differently. We learn to grow and create from our own imaginations. Creativity can lead to a sense of purpose for many people.

Boosts Confidence

As you become more creative, more productive and better able to solve problems you become more confident in yourself and your abilities. Practicing creativity also leads to more experience and mastery which certainly boosts your confidence along the journey.

For some of you, daily creativity or a retreat may sound like a dream, but you deserve to pamper yourself each and every day! The benefits alone are worth your time, money and effort and who knows you may even love the experience so much you decide to treat yourself to a new creative retreat every year. You are certainly worth it!

Til next time,



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