Upcycling 101

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What is upcycling?

Have you ever loved something so much you just couldn’t bring yourself to throw it out? Maybe you instantly fell in love with something at a yard sale then later realized that dream item wasn’t really perfect.

Maybe there is a stain on the edge of your favorite curtains, or a broken leg on that table. Throwing away things you love is hard. Thankfully broken, outdated or not quite perfect doesn’t have to be the end all, be all any more.

With a little creative imagination and some elbow grease you can turn your items into something beautiful and new. This process, taking something old and making it new is upcycling in it’s simplest form.

“Upcycling is about revamping the unloved and mundane into something much more useful or beautiful and creative,” says Claire Armstrong, owner of Pillar Box Blue. “Upcycling is a great way of personalizing and making unique things to brighten and add interest to your home. Often, we have things in our home that have sentimental value but are a bit tired and dated, or they no longer fit in with our décor. Upcycling is a great way to revamp these objects so that they can be loved once again.”

It’s like that old saying goes, “One (wo)man’s trash is another (wo)man’s treasure.”

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Why should you upcycle?

I could list a dozen or more reasons why you should recycle but I already covered this topic in depth in 7 Reasons to Upcycle. For now here’s a quick recap for you.

Reducing landfill waste

Using less natural resources

Helping Mother Nature

Recycle vs. Upcycle

Honoring craftsmanship

Learn new skills

Supports locals

Therapeutic effects of crafting and creating

Lower cost of supplies

Upcycling isn't just a hobby it's a way of life and the world can benefit from it. I sincerely hope you’ll consider why upcycling is so important and how you can do your part the next time you’re looking to throw something away.

“Upcycling is ethical and better for the planet,” says Armstrong. “Surely, it is much better to upcycle something that already exists than to buy new. Not only is it more affordable but it is environmentally sound.

‘til next time,


If you loved learning about upcycling look into booking one of my creative workshops.


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