On Display

I'm excited to announce that I will once again have artwork on display at City Hall in Federal Way as part of the annual Artist Alive exhibit. The exhibit, running September 18th through January 2nd, features the work of many local artist, consists of everything from photography to painting and includes tons of diversity and personal styles.

This will be my second year participating in the Artist Alive exhibit and my fourth "showing" so far. My first photography gallery was held back in 2015 at Highline College. It was nerve racking to say the least. There's a lot more than time that goes into putting up a gallery and you never know how things are going to go. Luckily, I had the support of many of my friends and co-workers from Michaels...many who even came to the debut. It was humbling to have people taking time out of their lives to support me and show that they believed in me and what I was doing.

on display

Displaying my artwork, be it photography or my mixed media, is a huge step and achievement for me. Something I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd have the great opportunity to say I did. Being on display, even when mixed with other artists, can be massively intimidating. You're opening yourself up to a world of judgement not only on your artwork but on yourself.

With my first gallery under my belt I decide to submit my photography to the 2016 Federal Way Gallery Program and was fortunate enough to be chosen as one of the artists. And let me tell you, getting accepted sure felt amazing! Not only was it an affirmation that people liked what I was doing, it was also a boost to my confidence that I desperately needed to keep going.

My second photography gallery went up at the Dumas Bay Centre of Federal Way August of 2016. It too was a great success. I received an outpouring of encouragement and support along with wonderful comments about my photos.

It has been a wonderful journey I'm beyond grateful I was given the opportunity to be a part of and I can't adequately express my graditute for everyone's support. For anyone who's interested, I will be submitting both photography and mixed media work to the gallery program for 2018...keep your fingers crossed for me!

'Til next time,


If you're ready to add some of Mother Nature’s beauty to your space check out my photography shop.


Joy of Giving


“Hello Beautiful” Bag Tutorial