Creativity is the Perfect Selfcare

Pinterest image: Creativity is selfcare

Most people think creativity is for kids, something to enjoy when we’re young but don’t have time for as adults. What a load of crap! That type of thinking only leads to burnout, stress and countless other negative side effects. Creativity as selfcare has so many positive benefits. It’s time to listen to our inner child, stop being so serious and start having some fun.

Creativity is a major stressbusting, brain-boosting activity that brings balance and joy to our hectic lives that we desperately need. Now I know what you’re thinking but creating doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars on supplies or whole days working on your masterpiece. Creativity as selfcare just means adding some fun to your daily, weekly or monthly routines.

Your life runs on schedules and planning, right? So why not just schedule in some extra time for yourself while you’re at it.

The most important thing to understanding when adding creative selfcare to your routine is knowing your limitations right from the start. It’ll help you maximize your time, choose the most appropriate project and help limit disappointment of not finishing what you started.


When choosing your creative activity make sure that you do something for you, not something someone else loves (unless you’ve always wanted to try it), something that speaks to you and gets you excited. If you’re having a hard time, try thinking about things you liked to do as a kid. Maybe you loved fingerpainting, writing stories or doodling. Maybe there was something you always wanted to try as a kid but were too afraid to or your family couldn’t afford it. There’s nothing stopping you now, go for it!

playing guitar

If you still feel stressed for time and don’t think you can fit creativity into your routine there’s good news!! Creative selfcare doesn’t have to be elaborate or take up tons of your time, it can also be something practical and productive without losing its fun appeal. This approach also helps if you feel like creative selfcare is just wasting precious time you don’t have and may help you justify the use of your time for creativity.

There are plenty of ways to be productive creatively. Maybe you finally design your dream garden or creative studio. Maybe you plant a garden or create a beautiful flower arrangement from the garden you already have. You could print out that photo book you’ve been putting off or sew a garment or doll for your kids. Perhaps you start writing that book you’ve always wanted to publish. It’s all about find something you want or need to get done that also allows your creativity to have some fun.


Trust me, finding ways to add creativity into your daily, weekly and monthly selfcare routine will bring so much positivity into your life. Not only will it help improve your mood, but it lowers stress, keeps the brain engaged and promotes health, wellness and longer lives. You owe it to yourself to do what makes you happy!

‘til next time,



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