10 Ways to Spread Holiday Cheer

For many people what should be the most wonderful time of the year is often the most stressful. We let the hustle and bustle of shopping, parties, crowded parking lots and check-out lines overshadow our joy.

This holiday season why not get back to simpler more meaningful ways of celebrating?

This holiday season is the perfect time to reach out to your loved ones and random people you meet. The holiday’s are about love and giving (not money or gifts). Sometimes the best thing you can give someone is a warm hug, friendly smile or a quick call to say hi.

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Here are some great ways to get started:

1. Handwrite a letter. Handwritten letters are a thing of the past, replaced by mass produced-family-photo-cards. And though the photocards are nice enough they lack that personal unique touch that make others feel special and love. So find yourself 10 minutes, a stamp, an envelope and your address book and get writing. You’ll be glad you did.

2. Buy coffee for a stranger. Next time you visit your local coffee shop, pay for yourself and the person behind you. This pleasant surprise is guaranteed to brighten someone’s day.

4. Be friendly to your cashier. All the stress-filled shopping leading up to Christmas results in plenty of customer-frustration. Parking lots are crowded, shelves are empty, aisles are full, and check-out lines are long. Remember your cashier and all those other retail employees are doing their best to help you. Smile and be friendly, it’ll make both your days better.

5. Leave a nice tip. Waiter/waitress’ aren’t getting wealthy at their job, are just trying to make ends meet. A little extra on their tip will certainly bring some holiday cheer—especially during a busy time of the year when they’d rather be home with their family.

6. Invite someone over for dinner. Many people spend their holidays alone, why not open your house to them for a meal? It’s a great way to make new friends and to bring cheer to other’s lives.

7. Bring dinner to someone. There’s something amazing about having a cooked meal brought to your door especially when it’s made with love and a complete surprise. Single moms, new parents, and elderly or recovering neighbors are perfect examples of people who would greatly benefit from a freshly cooked dinner. The relief and appreciation they will feel will fill your heart with joy.

8. Help out at a soup kitchen. There are many people in need or celebrating the holidays alone. Coming together to help out and share your smile and warmth with others can brighten someone’s whole day.

9. Bring breakfast to work. Everybody loves getting something special at work and they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day so why not share some holiday joy this season.

10. Keep smiling. Smiles are contagious, the more you smile the more others will smile with you. It’s the simplest way to brighten someone’s day.


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