DIY Gnome for the Holidays Tutorial

DIY Gnome for the Holidays Pinable

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, for spreading cheer inside and outside your home. Gnome for the Holidays is an adorable little project that’s sure to get you in the Christmas spirit this year and jump start your holiday crafting.

What you’ll need:


Wood saw

Acrylic Paint

Paint brushes

Hot glue gun and sticks

Christmas socks



DIY Gnome for the Holidays
  1. Scavenge or purchase some wood and cut it in half.

  2. Paint one half any color you choose and set aside to dry. This will be your base.

  3. Cut the other half into three blocks of various sizes.

  4. Paint a gnome on to each block and let dry completely.

  5. Arrange your gnomes and glue on to the base.

  6. Cut three Christmas socks just above the heel and across the toes.

  7. Roll the heel part of each sock once and glue onto top of each block.

  8. Tie a small piece of string around the toe part of each sock, creating the hats.

  9. Paint your phrase across the front of the base and let dry.

Happy Crafting,


If you loved this free tutorial look into booking one of my creative workshops.


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