Paper Passion: A Collection of Inspiration

Paper Passion A Collection of Inspiration Pinterest Image

A Love Affair

I love paper! It’s an obsession. If a beautiful pattern catches my eye and sends sparks of inspiration tingling through me, it's going in my collection - no questions asked! Doesn’t matter if I never plan to use it or don’t have a project in mind. It’s mine! I've gathered a treasure trove of paper over time, neatly organized by color in clear cases for quick access.

Paper scraps scattered on a table

These larger pages are often the start of my collaging and wind up with small pieces being leftover which make their way into my scrap basket. Its become a big ol’ treasure trove of patterns, colors, images and text that never fails to inspire me.

Relax and Explore

Something always catches my eye, when I explore my scrap basket. Then I’ll start adding more to it until I have a small bundle of papers. I usually end up with a bunch of little bundles by the time I’m through.

My favorite music usually fills the silence while I sort and helps me relax. My bundles don’t end up half as good, when I’m too focused. Listening to my music helps me create more intuitive, harmonious color palettes and stories.

Small bundle of paper scraps held in a woman's hand

Just for Fun

I rarely make my bundles with an artistic vision in mind. It's more a spur-of-the-moment, low-energy or no time to create kind of thing. It’s always a great way to keep my creative juices flowing and my inspiration tank full.

Perfect Inspiration

These little bundles of paper scraps can be the perfect starting point for a creative journey and a beautiful piece of art. Whenever you’re stuck, feeling uninspired or simply can’t seem to get started they’re the perfect little creative spark and making them is so relaxing and fun. I always keep a few ready just in case I need them!

Tell me in the Comments Below

Do you have any tricks to kickstart your inspiration?


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