Freshen up Your Space and Spark New Creativity

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Freshening Up

Have you noticed your creativity stalling or maybe it just feels a bit sluggish or stale? When was the last time you freshened up your creative space?

Personally, I try to declutter and reorganize my studio every six months or so. As a fairly minimalistic person this is a motto I follow in every aspect of my life. I donate or sell anything I haven’t touched or used in the last six months, from clothing to art supplies. This a great way to keep things fresh, organized and focused on what brings me happiness. If I ever start to feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied or stressed, especially in my creative space I may freshen up more often.

Craft table in front of window with flowers and plants

Positive Energy

There is something incredibly cleansing and therapeutic about donating old supplies, moving furniture, and reorganizing. Sometimes when you or your art are in a rut it’s the easiest thing you can do to spark your creativity. It’s not always about keeping a tidy space but more about reflecting on where you are in your journey and removing things you no longer need.

Switching things up brings new positive energy to you, your creativity and your creative space.

craft table with art supplies and artwork

Get Started

In case you’re not a big fan of change or organization really isn’t your thing here are a few tips to help get you started. Believe me you won’t regret it.

1. Dedicate a block of time for your refresh. Depending on the current state of your space this may be a few hours or a few days. A good rule of thumb is, however long you think it’ll take, double it! Give your creative space the time it deserves, after all you spend a lot of time here.

2. Take everything out if you can so you don’t get stuck remembering what it used to look like and have a brand-new blank canvas to create an amazing space. This is the perfect time to make any repairs, do some through cleaning and maybe even splash some new paint on the walls.

3. Give yourself permission to toss or donate things. Sometimes we have memories or dreams from our creative journey associated with the things we’ve collected. It can be incredibly hard to let go of things, especially artwork and supplies, but you have to step back and really consider if those things are helping or hindering your creative process. If you still absolutely LOVE them and they are still inspiring your journey then include them in the new refresh, but if they no longer inspire you or get you excited then it’s time to let them go. If you have a really hard time with this or just can’t seem to let go, bring in a trusted, objective friend who can help you.

4. Take a moment to imagine your ideal space. What does it look like? What is its purpose? Does everything in it bring you happiness and inspiration. Clarify what is there to enhance your enjoyment and what is there to help you create this way you can create a space that is both inviting and functional.

5. Leave yourself some room. We would all love to have designated spaces for each of our creative tasks, such as business, product photography, art making, filming, the list goes on and on. But realistically trying to create a space for all those things will leave you feeling cramped and uncomfortable in your own space. Leave yourself room to flow in your creative space.

6. Put your comfort first. Lighting, heating/AC, and comfy chairs are all incredibly important. They will affect your ability and desire create. Investing in quality things will not only make you more productive and comfortable but will make your creative time happier.

7. Experiment with the layout. Never be afraid to try something new but keep in mind your creative flow and how the placement of your furniture makes you feel.

Craft room storage space with art supplies, artwork and window seat

8. Use creative storage. Unless you’re going for a very specific look that’s going to make you over the moon happy you don’t need to go out and buy all new storage. Decide what you really need to store and find the perfect solution for your needs or even use things you already have a home.

9. Knowing where your art lives is top priority! Have you thought about how/where you want to store/display your finished art? Maybe you need a small drawer, or a shelf. Maybe you want to frame and display your art gallery style. Creating designated spaces for your art to live will help you avoid damage and cluttering up your space.

10. Make your creative space your HAPPY PLACE. Function is one thing, but your space needs to be a reflection of you and what makes you happy. It should be inspiring and inviting. Take time to decorate with plants, candles, artwork, and other treasures that make your creative space cozy and personal.

If your creativity is still stalling or feeling bit sluggish or stale after your room refresh, I’d love to inspire with a fresh new workshop!

I’d love to know:

Do you love organizing and changing things up? If not, what’s your biggest challenge? Share in the comments below.


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