Creative Self-care

pinterest image: Creative Self Care

Self-care isn’t just about finding time to relax, eating well and exercising.

Self-care is about feeding your soul!

Woman Painting

It’s finding something you’re passionate about, something that excites you every time you think about it. For me that’s crafting (pretty much anything that strikes my fancy), photography, painting, drawing and dancing like no one’s watching.

Maybe for you it’s painting or exploring mother nature and taking photos.

Maybe you haven’t found your creative passion yet and are still searching. That’s the perfect place to start!

Pursuing creative passions help eliminate fear, anxiety and depression. Creativity not only helps you express yourself and your emotions, it also allows you the freedom to explore them.

Creative self-care is a great way to take chances, fail, try something new and explore without limitations or rules. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to creativity. It’s all about expression of self.

Woman Gardening

What drives you? What are you passionate about?

If you don’t know I urge you to explore the list of creative self-care activities below or browse through my free tutorials. Try all of them, if you have time, until you find that one thing that feeds your soul then dive on in. There’s something truly amazing about finding what makes your heart soar and your soul sing.

Paint your feelings

Draw something you see outside

Sing in the shower or while you’re doing dishes

Dance to your favorite music

Knit/crochet a blanket or scarf

Read your favorite books

Write a book, poem or short story


Make a beautiful floral arrangement

Sew a gift for someone

Design a new look for your bedroom, bathroom or living room

Garden and get your hands dirty

Cook something new for your family


Take a class

Hike to a beautiful new place

Play an instrument

Create a stained-glass window

Explore upcycling projects

‘til next time,


If you’re ready to explore your creativity look into booking one of my creative workshops.


DIY Mini Magnetic Plant Vase Tutorial


DIY Bottle Light Tutorial