Creating a Self-Care Sanctuary with Art Journaling

Pinable title image of art journal with supplies

In the whirlwind of daily chao, we sometimes forget how precious we are and neglect ourselves. We get so caught up in our daily routines and responsibilities that we often forget our own well-being. It's important to remember that we are valuable and deserving of love and care. Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish, its essential for your health and happiness.

Garden Delights art journal on a table with art supplies

Creative Self-Care

Many think self-care means a fancy spa retreat or endless "me time." But what does it do really look it?

Maybe it’s just a few quite moments to breathe, take it easy, and check in with yourself. Maybe it’s a few minutes to reconnect to your inner artist and dreams through art. Maybe it’s the serene symphony of nature, guiding you back to yourself as you bask in her beauty and tranquility.

Maybe it’s a little bit of something special every day, so you don’t wait until the weight of the world rests on your shoulders.

For me all of those things work wonders to lower my stress levels and keep me balanced. Taking a few quite moments to sip my tea and breathe in the fresh air is truly meditative but magic happens when I step into my art studio and give myself a few minutes to play.

Detail shot of Garden Delights art journal on a table with art supplies

Keeping Inspiration Handy

That's why my art table is always prepped for action, with my trusty art journal close at hand. I’m free to create whatever pops in my head or inspires me in the moment. My art journal is fast becoming my favorite creative outlet, a few square inches of blank space, where I can connect to my inner artist and childlike bliss.

I don’t create in my art journal every day, some days I just look at it and it’s enough to spark my creativity.

I love that my art journal is a creative space for my imagination, thoughts and emotions. There’s no need for long painting marathons or having a clue about what the final outcome will be. The key is to just dive in and create, layer by layer, with pure honesty, having faith that whatever should be, will be.

Detail shot of Garden Delights art journal on a table with art supplies

A Touch of Happiness

As I was creating this page, I was basking in the glorious sunshine and fresh breeze streaming through my open window. The sweet aroma of spring wafted in, harmonizing with the cheerful chirping of birds. From where I sat, I could see across our baren yard (we are currently rebuilding our home and construction has destroyed the once beautiful space) to my lovely little flower garden finally starting to bloom.

As a flower fanatic, my little flower garden is paradise and bring me great joy and inspiration. Gazing upon it filled me with peace and happiness but also excitement at the plans we have for its future.

I was on a mission to bring that love, peace, happiness, and excitement into my studio, and voila! Behold this gorgeous Garden Delights journal page where all those good vibes came to play.

My art journal gave me a much-needed dose of self-care but also helped draw my attention to the stunning world around me, allowing me to slow down and take it all in. That’s why it’s incredibly important to give yourself the creative self-care you need, before you realize you need it.

Garden Delights art journal page

What about you?

I’d love to hear how creativity is part of your self-care routine? Share in the comments below.

Don’t forget to give yourself some creative time every day, just a few minutes can make a huge difference. If you need a little inspiration, you’ll find my online workshops here. I hope to see you there!


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