Bring Happiness Home: Explore the New Happy Circles Art Collection

Pinable title image of various mixed media art

Exciting News

Y’all I’m excited to share another beautiful collection with you! My lovely Happy Circles collection was inspired by my love of butterflies, dragonflies and gorgeous distressed backgrounds.

Butterflies and dragonflies are two of my favorite things and I love to incorporate them into my work.

Happy Circles mixed media art collection on wall in living room

The Details

My Happy Circles Collection consists of ten 5x7” mixed media originals created on cold press watercolor paper. Each piece features beautiful, vibrant eye-catching colors and a lovely butterfly or dragonfly. Each piece is completely unique and can easily be displayed alone or together as a full collection. They also make a wonderful gift for all those butterfly or dragonfly lovers celebrating birthdays or re-vamping their decor.

Prints of each original will also be available in my shop in the coming weeks.

I would love to know how this collection speaks to you, feel free to drop me a comment below.

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What makes you fall in love with an art collection?


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