Camp ThunderCraft 2019

So last weekend I got to go on my very first EVER retreat!


Incase you didn't read last week's post, Camp ThunderCraft is an annual small business retreat for creative businesses hosted by Urban Craft Uprising. And if you've never heard of Urban Craft Uprising they are a Seattle based company that organizes and host 30+ creative events throughout the year. I highly recommend checking them out.

Our retreat took place at Camp Sealth on Vashon Island here in WA, lucky for me since it's just across the water from my place. Yay!


Since I've never been to a retreat or any kind of camp (summer or otherwise) and had the whole day off I decided to arrive a few hours early and scope the place out. Campy Sealth it turns out is beautiful, it's tucked way down an old dirt road and sits right on the water's edge. It's very rustic and definitely gives off a camp vibe...perfect for all us ThunderCraft campers.

Arriving early made it super easy to get the lay of the land, find my cabin and allowed me to enjoy the whole place all to myself (with the exception of a few staff members setting up for us) which was absolutely what I needed after a hectic work week.


After seeking out my cabin, I treated myself to a long walk along the deserted beach that lay mere feet from my cabin door. The peace and tranquility I found in the silence was refreshing and calming. Upon returning I found a nice shady table and started my weekend journaling while I waited for others to arrive.


Shortly after three we converged on Rounds Hall for name tag making and merriment. In a room full of crafters, it surprised me that many of the women around me felt overwhelmed and out of their realm by the nametags.


From here the evening gradually made its way to wine & cheese happy hour with plenty of conversation and laughs around the room, followed by our keynote address by Robert Mahar which was both inspiring and humbling. It was amazing to think that I'd seen Robert on Making It just a few months ago and now here he was talking to all of us and enjoying a creative weekend right along with us.


The rest of the weekend was a collage of workshops, food, new friends, laughter and alone time, I treated myself to a sunset on the beach my last night there. It was gorgeous!


This retreat was exactly what I needed and couldn't have come at a better time. I'm so very thankful to Kristen and Lindsey for keeping Urban Craft Uprising running and hosting so many awesome events.


I'm looking forward to next year! Hope you'll join us.

'til next time,


If you're ready to have some fun with creative friends check out my retreats.


Hand Lettering Tutorial


Camp ThunderCraft Journal Tutorial