11 Reasons Why Creativity is Important

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Maybe creativity isn’t something that comes naturally to you, and you’ve often wondered why it’s so important to others. Perhaps you’ve always just dismissed it and never really considered the benefits of adding creativity to your life. Is it fear of being wrong or being labeled as different that makes you think twice about pursuing creativity?

Well, maybe it’s time to look at creativity differently. Have you ever stopped to think that creativity is something that grows with time and effort, can most definitely be learned even if it doesn’t come natural to you and is certainly worth exploring? You were made for something much better than just going with the flow and “normality” of society. You are unique and extraordinary, and creativity is the perfect way to express that.

Here are 11 reasons why everyone should include creativity in their lives.

#1. Creativity motivates you

Creativity is proven to lift your spirits and improve your mood. It takes your mind off things while still keeping you engaged. Actually creating something (painting, baking, drawing, etc.) gets your brain moving and grooving, making it easier to get going on things you’re having trouble with.

#2. Creativity creates change

Creativity allows you to change yourself, your environment, and even the world. By creating something new and uniquely you it allows others to be inspired and to see the world through new eyes. Change starts with a single person.

#3. Creativity makes you more productive

Creative people have open, active minds buzzing with ideas, soaking up inspiration from the world around them and making them more productive.

#4. Creativity helps you solve problems

Creative thinking opens up tons of possibilities when you’re stuck with a problem and helps you look at the situation from different angles.

Creative problem solving

#5. Creativity boosts your confidence

As you become more creative, more productive and better able to solve problems you become more confident in yourself and your abilities. Practicing creativity also leads to more experience and mastery which certainly boosts your confidence along the journey.

#6. Creativity lets you express yourself

Expressing yourself and your feelings is a huge part of a person’s wellbeing. Creating, whether it’s through baking cakes, painting murals, making sculptures, you name it allows you the freedom to explore yourself, your voice and everything you feel.

#7. Creativity helps you release your thoughts and feelings

Creativity lets you release all the things on your mind and in your heart without restrictions. When you don’t judge yourself and let your thoughts and feelings run free, you’ll gain more clarity and heal in the process.

#8. Creativity helps you overcome failure

The creative journey helps you discover that failure’s just part of the process. Eventually you learn to see failure as something survivable that helps you grow and make better “art”. Creativity allows you to release the fear of failure and try new things even at the risk of failing.

#9. Creativity relieves stress

Creativity has been proven to relieve stress which is incredibly important because stress is like poison to us. Stress can cause a wide variety of health problems and impact happiness. Being creative increases positive thoughts and feelings of peace.

#10. Creativity can help you live longer

It’s been shown that creativity exercises a handful of neural networks in the brain and by keeping your mind active it keeps you healthier, so you live longer. Relieving all that stress through creativity probably plays a big part in longevity too.

#11. Creativity brings people together

For some, creativity is a very personal, lonely experience but for many, we bond through a beautiful creative community where we come together to teach, inspire, learn and share our creative lives with others. The relationships and support we gain through creativity is priceless.

Creative relationships

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