11 Benefits of Creativity

pinterest image: 11 Benefits

I can tell you from personal experience that creativity brings a lot of amazing things into your life. From simple things like health and happiness to new friends and great opportunities. Creativity opens so many doors for you. If you don’t already have creativity in your life or you’re looking to add more I hope this list will convince you why it’s such a great idea to live creatively.

Personal Fulfillment

You will become a more content and fulfilled woman when you allow your creativity freedom. You’ll be less prone to feeling sorry for yourself, be less dissatisfied/disappointed with life and better able to meet the many needs of your family and others around you, without sacrificing your self-worth.


When you create, you put yourself into the work. It’s a reflection of your artistry, skill, ability and emotions. Everything you create is uniquely yours and reflects your true self.

self expression


Creativity gives you great opportunities for self-expression. There’s a deep sense of satisfaction that comes from making something with your own hands.

Sense of Balance

Giving yourself a creative outlet allows your soul freedom to be inspired, grow and feel joy. Just like you feed your body healthy food you must also nourish your soul.

Personal Growth

Creativity and the joy you get from it will make you want to keep creating and learning more and more. You’ll want to improve or learn new techniques, grow in your craft or learn another and continue learning as you grow.



Creating brings tremendous happiness to you and to the world.

Stress Release

Setting aside time for you and your personal enjoyment, helps relieve stress and built-up tension.

Improved Health

Stress leads to weight gain, lower immunity, heart disease and countless other negative health benefits. Since creativity helps to lower stress it also leads to improved overall physical and mental health.


Creativity helps you think and process things in new ways, allowing you to use your imagination and improving your resourcefulness.

Personal Relationships

There’s a huge creative community out there willing to help you out, learn from you and support you in many ways. This amazing creative group can lead you to many strong and meaningful friendships.

Craft group


Creativity leads to many creative opportunities that you may not have even considered before. Maybe you decide to enter an art contest and win or gain the confidence to submit your work to a magazine and get chosen for a feature. You never know where your creativity will take you.

For me creativity is a way of life, I’m not sure I could survive without it. For others it’s a way to deal with emotions or take a break from the everyday routines of life. No matter what it is for you or why you do it, the important thing is that you do it. Create something everyday!

‘til next time,



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