Upcycled DIY Serving Tray Tutorial

Upcycled DIY Serving Tray Pinable

For years I’d admired this gorgeous set of Pioneer Woman plates every time I’d see them on the shelf. I absolutely loved them but would always convince myself to wait to purchase a set. Well last summer I finally did it, I bought a set. Seeing them in the kitchen brightened my days. Little did I know that less then two months later we would lose everything in a wildfire, including these beautiful plates I’d waited years for.

To say I was bummed is an understatement. Luckily for me I was able to find some of the broken pieces amongst the ashes and was smart enough to keep them.

I’m happy to say, after a year, I’ve finally put them to good use.

What you need:

Serving tray

Stain or paint

Paint brush or rags

Broken plates


Protective gloves and eyewear



Upcycled DIY Serving Tray
  1. Purchase or build a serving tray

  2. Paint or stain serving tray and let dry completely.

  3. Break plates into small flat pieces.

  4. Arrange plate pieces into the serving tray.

  5. Following directions carefully, mix resin and pour into try covering all plate pieces.

  6. If multiple layers of resin are needed be sure to let each layer dry completely before adding additional layers.

  7. Seal all non-resin covered edges of the tray and let dry completely.

Happy Crafting,


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Benefits of Upcycling


Creative Upcycling