Unleash Your Creativity: Creating a Flower Garden Art Journal Page

Today I’m excited to share the latest page in my art journal!

I started this page months ago, with no particular goal in mind, as part of a quick video for my Youtube channel. One of my favorite things about my art journal is getting to play, relax and experiment and knowing that each messy page is the start of something beautiful. There’s nothing like random collage to get your creative juices flowing!

collaged art journal laying on table

A Little Bit at a Time

One of the best things about my journal is that I can tackle it in bits and pieces. It's always within arm's reach, ready to whisk me away into an artsy escape whenever work gets to be too much.

As a mixed media artist, I blend collage, paint, inks, markers, and anything else that sparks my creativity, together. A splash of paint here, a snip of collage there and voila! Watch as each layer adds up, weaving a tale of depth and imagination.

It's an absolute blast watching the layers come alive! Check out the first pic below, in its "ugly stage," getting a splash of green acrylic ink over the collage and gesso base layer.

Next, I added in a dash of text collage and playful acrylic circles, then some more gesso to seamlessly blend them into the backdrop. My next step was to toss in my own handmade floral tissue paper. It's my secret weapon for adding the feel of stamping with added texture.

Following Your Inner Artist

Art journaling offers a fantastic opportunity for artistic growth and evolution, enhancing your confidence and honing your unique style. In an art journal, there are no limits, allowing you the freedom to experiment and explore new techniques – remember, your journal is your personal space!

Take the images below: I wanted bright, bold colors for my next layer, I'm a color lover after all, but sometimes adding color is hard for me. I get so attached to my backgrounds and have a hard time covering them up. I could have easily called it quits with the page as it was.

But, as you can see, I didn’t. I started by sprinkling alcohol inks onto the background then painted my tissue paper blooms with acrylic inks for a soft, translucent look. It was a great start, but just wasn’t enough color so I collaged in some vibrant bits of floral napkin.

Sometimes it's good to gently push beyond your comfort zone and I don’t know a better place for that than my art journal. Creating on a canvas can sometimes be daunting, causing hesitation. But diving into an art journal provides freedom to play and experiment, growing your artistic abilities and trust in your inner artist.

Now, I could easily see what the page needed. While I adored the vibrant flowers, they were a tad too overwhelming, so I added just a touch of gesso to nudge some of them into the background. A few handmade tissue butterflies fluttering about was the perfect finishing touch.

Flower Garden art journal page on table with supplies

Tell me in the Comments:

What’s one thing you've always wanted to try in your art but haven’t?

Are you dreaming of a creative adventure that will spark creative growth? Ready to turn your art journal into a space that screams YOU? Eager to discover how this artistic spark can light up your entire creative universe?

I here to help YOU discover your inner artist and grow your confidence through art journaling! Check out The Artist’s Journey workshop for more information.


Creative Collage: Easy techniques to Get You Started


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