Creative Habits: Making Creativity Part of Daily Life

Creative Habits: Making Creativity Part of Daily Life

Creativity is a necessary part of daily life!

Creativity isn’t just about having a hobby. It’s a necessary part of daily life! I’ll say it again, CREATIVITY IS A NECESSARY PART OF DAILY LIFE! With so many proven benefits for both your health and wellbeing, I simply can’t understand why it’s not a priority in EVERYONE’s life already. Explore all the benefits in my Crafting a Healthier Life: Daily Creativity and its Impact on Well-being post.

I’ve heard the countless excuses over and over… “I’m not creative”, “I don’t have time for creativity”, “Creativity isn’t as important as….” "Creativity can wait, right?" Blah, blah, blah! If you’re thinking one of these things right now, STOP! It’s time to make a change. Countless studies suggest creativity improves happiness which improves your creativity, creating a happiness loop. Who doesn’t want daily happiness? I sure do!

Make it a Habit

Today, we're diving into how easy it is to add creativity to your daily routine. Even just 5 minutes a day can kickstart your creativity- the key is making it a habit, not trying to spend hours doing it.

Misty's hands creating mixed media artwork

Give Yourself Permission

This is a big deal, perhaps the biggest. Adults often view creativity as a kiddo-exclusive gig, something they've outgrown. Which is total garbage, and you know it! You deserve a few minutes (or hours) each day just for yourself. Taking care of your well-being isn't just about physical health, it's about feeding your soul and spirit too. Ever noticed how kids radiate happiness while crafting? That's the magic of creative expression - it's soul food! So, go ahead, unleash your inner artist and dive into a world of creation. You totally deserve it!

Misty holding mini denim art journal

Create Opportunities

Why limit your creative genius to a desk or art corner? Sprinkle creativity throughout your day! Tote a tiny notebook or sketchpad in your bag for spur-of-the-moment bursts of inspiration. Doodle your way through lines or doctor's appointments! Leave a coloring book and your trusty colored pencils or crayons in unexpected spots you stumble upon during the day. Unleash endless chances for creativity as you let your imagination run wild!

Art prompt jar sitting on table with supplies

Backup Prompts

I can't decide what's worse - having zero time for creativity or drawing a blank when you finally get a breather! Flying blind usually results in burning precious time brainstorming or hunting down supplies. Preparing a backup plan is like having a secret weapon to skip the chaos and dive straight into creative fun! Having a prompt jar is a real lifesaver. Scouring the web for quirky prompts is a breeze, or you can cook up your own with ideas that spark joy. Jot them down, toss them in your jar, and voilà! Next time you're hunting for a burst of creativity, your jar of wonders will have your back.

Embroidered magnolia leaf artwork

Be Inspired

See at the world as an artist. Look to leaves on the ground, raindrops on leaves and clouds in the sky for texture and design ideas. Imagine what you can create with an old magazine, that plastic lid, rocks in the driveway or anything else that catches your fancy.

Three women painting ceramics

Seek Others

Inject some inspiration into your routine by hanging out with other creative souls! They sprinkle magic like confetti, sharing ideas, tools, and chances to get crafty. Their creative spark is contagious – get ready to be inspired!

Misty's hand drawing in art journal on a table with supplies

Start Small

Adding creativity to your daily routine isn’t about tackling projects or creating masterpieces. Avoid overwhelm and frustration by starting with small projects while building a routine that works for you and your life. You don’t need hours a day creating, just sprinkle bits of creativity throughout your day!

Floral art journal page laying on table

Art Journaling

Art journaling is a fantastic way to incorporate creativity into your daily routine. Imagine it as a colorful diary where you can sketch your day, paint your emotions, or even create a vision board with all your dreams and desires. Dive in and let your imagination run wild, the possibilities endless!

Tell me in the comments below:

What does your creative routine look like?


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