From Fear to Flow: Beating Blank Page Anxiety

From Fear to Flow: Beating Blank Page Anxiety Pinterest Image

Have you ever experienced fear or anxiety of a blank page or canvas? It’s a common experience shared by many creatives. That empty space can be a bit daunting when you’re unsure where to begin or fretting over making mistakes.

That’s where creative starting points come into play! Remember that blank space is an opportunity for endless possibilities and creativity. Seize the freedom it gives you, view it as a chance to express yourself in a unique and authentic way. Allow your ideas to flow freely, and soon you'll find yourself lost in the joy of creation, turning that blank page into a masterpiece.

I've been knee-deep in the boring business side of stuff this week, neglecting my art, but fear not! I squeezed in some creative moments, and guess what? Drum roll, please... My art journal is now a blank page-free zone! There are still a few pages waiting to be finished before it’s complete, but hey, I’m that much closer.

Blank canvas on a table with art supplies

Work Arounds

The dreaded blank page is actually one of the reasons I love using old magazines for art journals. You NEVER have to worry about the blank page! Every page is a treasure trove of colors, images, and text just waiting to be incorporated into your artwork.

One of my favorite ways to start a journal layout is collaging. It’s super easy and adds so much depth and visual interest. I might not have a clue what the final piece will look like, but it makes for great inspiration when I get there. Many of the layers will get covered up eventually, but what matters is that they get me started.

GreenCraft magazine laying on table

Overcoming Resistance

Starting journal pages with a few minutes of creative fun has been such a game-changer in my painting and art journaling practice. It's a great way to warm up and get playful. Plus, there's no pressure to complete the page immediately, making it a fantastic tool to tackle resistance and beat procrastination!


Check out these inspiring before and after shots of first layers and finished pages from my art journals. I hope they give you plenty of ideas to get your own pages started!

I share several great ways to start art your art journal pages in The Artist’s Journey workshop. This is my main art journaling workshop where I guide you through four vibrant art journal pages using exciting techniques. This workshop is your ticket to year-round artistic inspiration - hop in whenever your creative heart desires!

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What is one of your favorite ways to start a journal page or a canvas?


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