Aubrey Mead of Creative Corvid

I love getting to know other creatives, its one of my favorite past times. There are so many talented people in this world and each deserves a place to shine.

That being said, I want to introduce you to my dear friend Aubrey Mead of Creative Corvid Design. Aubrey is not only a close personal friend of mine but an extremely talented creative. Her specialties include knitting and painting.

It's my pleasure to shine some well deserved light on this amazingly talented woman, love you beautiful!




Misty: Please tell me a little bit about yourself.

Aubrey: My name is Aubrey and I was raised on a nut farm in Oregon. Yes, literally, we have a farm and we grow nuts. Hazelnuts to be exact, but we call them filberts. I'm a mountain, river and lake girl. Not fond of beaches. I like a clear night sky where the Milky Way is visible and bright. I prefer silence, wind or birdsong to human conversation. I love being alone with my thoughts, irregardless of where they may take me. I'm currently living in the city, working a retail job but plotting my escape!

Misty: What lead you to start Creative Corvid Design?

Aubrey: I had a relatively successful Etsy shop before, but I'm going in a new direction now. I'm addicted to yarn and love to knit! Of course this means I have far too many knit items, so the shop is a method by which I can re-home some to make space for more creations!

Misty: What made you transition from hobby to business?

Aubrey: With what I have left of this one life, I want to do what makes me happy and working at a retail store is not it.

Misty: Where did the inspiration for your creative business concept come from?

Aubrey: The Corvide family includes crows, one of the most intelligent birds and also one of the few that fashion tools out of sticks. Since knitting needles are just fancy sticks and I love all corvids, it made sense.

Misty: What do you love most about running a creative business?

Aubrey: It allows me to do things that make me truly happy and to share that happiness with others.


Misty: What do you consider most unique about Creative Corvid Design?

Aubrey: Well, in the future I will be taking yarns on the road and creating pieces that capture the essence of the places I visit.

Misty: What would you be doing if you weren't a creative entrepreneur?

Aubrey: Slowly loosing my mind!

Misty: What do you enjoy most about knitting accessories?

Aubrey: The tools are so incredibly simple yet can create such a vast array of complex and beautiful items.

Misty: How did you develop an interest in knitting?

Aubrey: Working at a craft store, it was necessary that I maintain the entire store. This meant going into departments that I had avoided as a customer. I was drawn to the yarn because of the beautiful colors and the tactile nature of the craft. Plus, the completed project is a functional item.


Misty: Was creativity part of your upbringing?

Aubrey: Absolutely! My mother is a creative (her primary medium is textiles) so we always did arts and crafts.

Misty: Were you a creative/artistic child growing up?

Aubrey: Yep! I was always drawing or making things. It's been a constant throughout my life and I could not imagine life without it.

Misty: You're a new addition to a crayon box, what color are you and why?

Aubrey: That has to be the toughest question ever!! Maybe a rusty red? Reminds me of fall and old farm machinery.

Misty: What does a day-in-the-life of Aubrey Mead consist of?

Aubrey: Knitting of course! Also home renovation, playtime with the dog, some retail work and evening movies with hubby.


Misty: When did you start making handmade knit accessories?

Aubrey: 6 years ago.

Misty: How do you choose your yarns, colors and patterns?

Aubrey: I maintain the yarn department where I work so I'm able to see the new additions as they arrive. It's impossible to be there without continually daydreaming about what you could make! Once I find a yarn that needs to come home with me and have a project in mind I will either search online for a pattern or create one myself.

Misty: What's your favorite part of the day?

Aubrey: Early mornings as the sun is rising. That's usually when it's quietest.

Misty: What words do you live by?

Aubrey: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and silence is golden.

Misty: What was your creative mission when you started out?

Aubrey: To make because making makes me happy and to share that happiness via the items I make.


Misty: How would you like people to remember you and Creative Corvid Design?

Aubrey: Fun, functional, creative and unique.

Misty: What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?

Aubrey: Surviving and remaining somewhat sane in this crazy world.

Misty: To what do you attribute your success?

Aubrey: The incredible support of friends and family.

Misty: What's your biggest struggle?

Aubrey: Staying focused on one project at a time.


Misty: What tips would you give to someone trying to break into the handmade business industry?

Aubrey: Go for it! Never hurts to try and you will have fun along the way.

Misty: If you had one piece of advice to give someone starting out, what would it be?

Aubrey: Don't get discouraged. Things may take a while to get going but every step you take towards your goal is a victory.

Misty: What's your least favorite part of being a creative entrepreneur?

Aubrey: Self promotion

Misty: Looking back what's the one thing you'd do differently?

Aubrey: Nothing really. It's all been a part of the learning process.


Misty: What's the most important lesson you've learned as a creative entrepreneur?

Aubrey: Don't be afraid to put yourself you there.

Misty: Are there any special causes Creative Corvid Design contributes to?

Aubrey: I will be making donations to the humane society.

Misty: Where do you sell your knit accessories?

Aubrey: Etsy, local farmers markets and craft fairs.

Misty: What's next on the horizon for you and Creative Corvid Design?

Aubrey: The travel aspect. I cannot wait to hike and knit my way across the continent!

Misty: Any parting words for our readers?

Aubrey: Life is short, do what you love!

#AubreyMead #CreativeCorvidDesign #creativelymisty


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