52 Things to Upcycle

52 Things to Upcycle Pinable

When it comes to upcycling the possibilities are endless. Nearly everything you can possibly think of or get your hands on can be upcycled.

Just incase your struggling to come up with ideas here’s a list of things to consider.

  1. Cardboard

  2. Cereal boxes

  3. Egg cartons

  4. Paper bags

  5. Soda cans

  6. Soda bottles

  7. Tin cans

  8. Toilet paper rolls and cardboard tubes

  9. Vitamin bottles

  10. Wine corks

  11. Paint brushes

  12. Clothing: socks, sweaters, jeans, dresses, t-shirts, etc.

  13. Wine bottles

  14. Books

  15. Magazines

  16. Wine/beer bottles

  17. Tires

  18. Furniture

  19. Glass jars: baby food, spaghetti, etc.

  20. Newspapers

  21. Silverware

  22. Plates, bowls and cups

  23. Plastic containers: milk jugs, coffee cans, laundry detergent, etc.

  24. Shoe boxes

  25. Greeting cards

  26. Clothes hangers

  27. Old paintings

  28. Natural items: flowers, leaves, sticks, bark, etc.

  29. Calendars

  30. Glass

  31. Picture frames

  32. Packing tape rolls

  33. Paint sticks

  34. Embroidery hoops

  35. Burlap bags

  36. Rusted metal roofing

  37. Wallpaper

  38. Shoes & boots

  39. Pillowcase

  40. Sheets

  41. Tissue paper

  42. Journals

  43. Composition notebooks

  44. Windows

  45. Doors

  46. Shingles

  47. Shutters

  48. Ornaments

  49. Old jewelry

  50. Feathers

  51. Drier sheets

  52. Egg shells

If you loved learning about upcycling look into booking one of my creative workshops.


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